Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Sound of a Fathom" progress

Here's the donation piece I'm doing for a gallery opening in two weeks. I'm having more fun with this one because they simply said, "Just donate whatever you want," and so I SHALL!

Green Eyes

Recurring Werewolf Nightmare - Fear of losing interest in one's goals.
Listened to "Over the Love" while doing this, a million times in a row. No regrets.

Anastasia of the Forest

Another commission piece for a client. This and the other two I created for the same client will be displayed in a gallery Downtown, alongside a donation piece of mine (I'll post my progress shortly).


Trying to figure out the color scheme for her wardrobe/appearance...hmm.

Wolf Practice

Judgement free zone ---> Teen Wolf is a fun show and I like it.
All rights go to the show, these are not my characters.

20 minute doodle

Purple and gold - nice combo if I do say so myself.

Good Omens and the Sound of Music

I'll never get tired of this book. 


It's official - this is the most fun I've had on a project in a while. This here is a progression of artwork done for our very own local circus, "Circus Smirkus." I saw the show, bought myself my own coloring book, and had a blast!

Paul Bunyan's Cousin

This here is the progression of "Krishna," an oil painting I did for a client this past winter. Unfortunately, the best I have of the final painting is a quick snapshot before the painting was taken away. The poor bull looks more blue than I wanted - put a ring in it's nose and it's Paul Bunyan's big blue ox, Babe.